antitrust case

英 [ˌæntiˈtrʌst keɪs] 美 [ˌæntiˈtrʌst keɪs]

网络  反垄断案



  1. The market environment never holds still while an antitrust suit plays out, and that was especially true in this case.
  2. In the antitrust case it did not, and, as this newspaper argued at the time ( see article), he was lucky that it did not lead to the break-up of his company.
  3. The antitrust case against Google filed by European Union regulators on Wednesday will inevitably draw comparisons to the long-running prosecution of Microsoft, in which regulators on both sides of the Atlantic pursued the software giant for anticompetitive behavior.
  4. This is the moment publishers have feared since they lost an antitrust case in the US and Europe last year.
  5. Rivals fear that the big four will exploit their dominant status in their main businesses to gain an unfair advantage in other Areas-A charge that lies at the heart of the antitrust case against Google.
  6. I leave aside the antitrust case against monopoly, which is relatively uncontroversial, except to note that many monopolies owe their strength to state barriers or subsidies, especially in foreign trade.
  7. Europe's top appeals court will announce its decision Sept.17 on Microsoft's appeal of Europe's largest antitrust case ever.
  8. Combining with Microsoft antitrust case, the author analyses the action of predatory pricing and its legal standards. Then, the special characters of such action in software industry are described.
  9. As our "antitrust law" promulgated and implemented since the first unsuccessful mergers and acquisitions, Coca Cola Huiyuan case make us think deeply. What is the concentration of business operators?
  10. The definition of Relevant Market is an very important basic work in the course of implementing antitrust laws, having a great decisive influence on the entire adjudication of antitrust case.
  11. The third part is the application of vertical integration concept author substantive review standard antitrust analysis of the case is divided into the following six parts: ( A) defining the relevant market.
  12. For example, in the antitrust case to be heard, the "relevant market" should be defined according to criteria in order to balance between efficiency and equity.
  13. The first part of this article take the first antitrust dispute case in the insurance industry shortly after the announce of the Anti-trust Law as the research object.